
Joint engagement on tariffs

19 May 2024

Tariff worksho

Joint engagement workshop on tariffs in May 2024

As a part of our joint engagement with Victorian electricity distribution businesses, we have conducted our last joint engagement on tariffs. More than 50 stakeholders came together, including energy experts, customer advocates and retailers to contribute the statewide approach to tariffs at the third and final forum in April.

Joint engagement explored topics of equity, efficiency and customer bill impacts and will help inform our Tariff Structure Statements.

Key themes to date have included:

Residential tariffs & the introduction of a universal ‘solar soak’

Do we move everyone to the proposed new tariff structure or not?

Residential ‘Time of use’(TOU) tariff structure change

Is there support for 4pm – 9pm as the new ‘peak’?

Pricing Objectives

How sharp do we make the pricing? What trade-off decisions need to be made?