Large customers shaping our proposal

Our large commercial and industrial customers consume more than 50 per cent of the electricity that flows through our network and includes over 2,100 customers in north and western Melbourne.

Large commercial and industrial businesses are classified as having 200+ employees.

We want to hear from large customers and extreme high load customers on their energy needs and preferences for the Regulatory Price Reset for 2026-31.

Large customers come from a range of industries including:

  • transport
  • data centres and high-tech industries
  • property development
  • health and medical
  • education
  • local councils
  • logistics
  • food manufacturing
  • telecommunications
  • utilities.

Each large customer has different energy priorities that reflect the realities of their industries.

It is vital that the views of large customers shape our Regulatory Price Reset for 2026-31 and have an opportunity to:

  • be involved in engagement activities
  • shape our five-year regulatory price reset proposal
  • provide feedback and input on their energy priorities, preferences and challenges
  • shape the future of our network.
Large users discussing energy priorities

Large customers discussing energy priorities at the Large Customer Forum in February 2024.

Large customer forum - outcomes report

Large customer Forum Outcomes Report

Understanding large customers' needs

We will be actively seeking to engage large customers to gain their views on a range of issues including:

  • electricity security
  • network reliability and the effect on pricing for increased or decreased reliability
  • tariff structures and how we charge
  • demand management solutions that help large customers use electricity efficiently
  • electric vehicle solutions for both commercial/fleet and residential customers
  • facilitation of energy trading between business and/or residential customers
  • digital solutions that make engaging with us on everyday transactions easier.

We will engage with large customers through:

  • direct one-on-one consultation
  • in-depth surveys that can capture a range of views
  • presentations and updates at Jemena Large user forums
  • dedicated large user workshops/forums that capture a wide range of views collectively.

Large customers can register for engagement activities and events here.

Contact Us

Have questions, or want to become a new Jemena customer?

Phone (03) 9173 7922