Customer-focused engagement

We have a desire to continuously improve our culture that is centered around understanding customer needs.

Our Regulatory Proposal for 2026-2031 will give us a unique opportunity to:

  • allow customers to help shape the services we offer
  • inspire our team to improve outcomes for customers.

The Regulatory Proposal will be directly shaped by customers through engagement. We will actively seek out customers' energy preferences, priorities and views to directly inform the draft proposal.

Co-design workshop with previous People's Panel members

Engagement strategy

The price reset is a platform to meaningfully engage with a broad spectrum of customers in our distribution area, including customers who experience vulnerability.

We want our engagement program to position Jemena at the forefront of delivering innovative customer engagement to a diverse spectrum of customers.

We seek to partner with a full range of our customers, including our friendly energy savvy customers right through to customers who have low energy literacy or face barriers to engaging with energy. 

Our engagement program aims to meet the specific needs of our electricity customers, taking into consideration: 

  • the rich diversity of our customers
  • learnings from previous price resets
  • the unique requirements, issues and challenges our customers face
  • our desire to engage with customers experiencing vulnerability
  • dedicated opportunities to create synergies with the other Victorian Electricity Distribution Businesses (VIC DBs) for joint engagement, enabling consistency and efficiency in our engagement approach across all Victorian networks.

Through this price reset, our goal is to understand our customers’ views and build the energy capability of customers who need it the most.

It is with this sentiment that we will engage with customer groups who face barriers and may have access issues to our services.  

We aim to capture the views of customers thatwithout specialist engagementtheir voices would not be heard. Where customers are unable to provide their voice, we will seek out their advocates or service providers.

Our engagement design and delivery will be underpinned by energy industry best practices and our engagement values and principles. We will act as the conduit for our customers’ preferences and take their collective voice to the AER through our proposal. We acknowledge to do this we need a partnership approach with our customers and to listen to the voices that are heard the least, and engage with the customers that need us the most.

Our engagement principles to achieve this are to:

  • build a deep understanding of our customers and their views
  • shape our regulatory proposal based off customers’ views
  • build customer trust in our regulatory proposal
  • support growth of Jemena’s customer-focus culture.

This means our engagement design and delivery will be informed by:

  • Energy Charter: to ensure our proposal is closely aligned with the charter principles
  • AER Better Resets Handbook and the Early Signal Pathway: ensuring we meet and exceed regulatory expectations and invite customers to shape our proposal.
  • AER Game Changer: to ensure we connect, engage and understand customers experiencing vulnerability, providing specialist engagement to gain their views.
  • Human-centred design: to ensure we place people (customers) at the centre of our engagement and draft proposal.
  • IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum: to guide us to achieving high levels of public participation on the spectrum and be clear with customers of our goal and commitment to them.

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